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DAS needs your Support to preserve our aviation heritage

DAS needs your Support


PLEASE HELP DONATIONS NEEDED ! You have probably seen elsewhere that IWM are starting further work on their ‘Transforming Duxford’ project. This phase will run from February through to June and involves lowering the aircraft down from the ceiling in Airspace in preparation to later turn the hangar into a new Cold War and contemporary conflict exhibit. As part of this revamp IWM have decided our Dove, Comet and York will be moving permanently outside for display. This...

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DAS Showcase is restarting

DAS Showcase is restarting

Come on board and learn more about our airliners

The DAS Showcase is restarting now that we have shuffled our outside aircraft.. Each week we will concentrate on one aircraft. Showcase will run on the hour and half hour from 11 to 2:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Also any day that the Airspace hangar is completely closed to visitors We will welcome you on board for a short talk about the aircraft and also what it was like to fly back when the aircraft was in service. Let our volunteer stewards take you back...

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STROND Concorde Watches

A recent visit to Duxford provided the opportunity to showcase the STROND watches in Concorde 101 G-AXDN's...

STROND Automatic Concorde Watch

An exciting new watch has just been released by our partner STROND Please click on the link below to see...

DAS Museum 360-degree tour.

Click on image below to enter the DAS Museum 360-degree tour. Click on image below to enter the DAS...

BAe146 flies into Duxford
BAe146 flies into Duxford

Over 100 members of the Duxford Aviation Society, IWM staff, press and TV gathered at IWM Duxford on Monday...

Trident 360° Cabin Tour

Click on image below to enter the Trident 360-degree flight deck tour. 

Concorde app

Get the Concorde App

Our new virtual tour of Concorde, both inside and out, is available now on the Apple Store or Google Play.

Explore this incredible, half-century old vision of the future in unprecedented detail. Look around in full 360° animation, or zoom in for information on flight deck instruments.

Just 99p puts you in the pilot's seat!

Duxford Aviation Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support given by the Association of Independent Museums.

AiM logo  Get it on Google PlayGet it on the Apple App Store


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First Whisper


Lufthansa Training Manuals


Sea Harrier FRS Mk1




We take a lot of time choosing really great items for our selection of exclusive Collection merchandise. So you can be sure of style and fantastic quality. But we also know you want value for money, so we also set our prices to make our items affordable. That means our stuff actually sells, which is great news for our charity.

So take a look round our shop, treat yourself to something you fancy and everybody wins.


Registered Charity No. 285809